About Kay

About me
A 25 year career in marketing, PR and training was followed by a strategic move into the veterinary sector. I only intended stayimg 6 months but loved it so much I stayed for 5 years – on the front line in a busy veterinary practice gathering inside knowledge, then moved into Practice Development Coaching.
A few months later…BOOM! 50 years old and terminal cancer. The start of a very long, but liberating journey (see the post below…)
8 years later, I’m older, wiser, cancer-free and dedicated to working with the NHS to improve conditions for patients in hospital, going through a range of emotional and physical challenges and undergoing chemotherapy.
In my spare time, I enjoy art, writing, adventuring and spending time in nature with my friends, my dog Buddy and my horse Sioux.
Below is a post I put on Facebook shortly after my diagnosis whilst going through some very harrowing chemo. This is how I re-framed what many think of as a tragedy…